Blessing w/ Bags
Instead of bringing sleeping bags from Los Angeles, some the team members have elected to purchase brand new ones once we arrive in Biloxi. This will serve not so much as to lighten our load, but to as much as to hopefully be a blessing to the volunteers & residents. After using the sleeping bags for the week that we stay, we’ll be leaving them to the Salvation Army for other volunteers and/or to local families in need.
Commissioning – April 15th
This Sunday, April 15th at the 11:00 AM service, we’ll be commissioning the team. There will a short presentation about our mission and all 10 members will stand before the church to receive a short prayer. This serves to inform our church of the scope and the intent of the project, as well as identify who will be resprenting them in Mississippi.
Each team member has several of their missionary support group come up to “lay hands” on them, offering spiritual support of the church.