2019 Day 5-Last Day on site

Long day. Hard day. Fast Day

We had a shortened day today, ending near noon. It was our last day on our respective houses. Leaving things in a good position for whoever comes after us. But it was also one to say goodbye to good friends made over the last days.

House 2, hadn’t seen their home owners since day 1, had an unexpected, unplanned visit from their homeowner. Going from working on their home with just a name printed on a notebook to meeting them face to face was such a sweet experience.

We all said goodbye to our families, sometimes through broken spanish, but always with both joyful and heavy hearts.

We went home, washed up and had our debrief meeting. Lessons learned, joys experienced, reflections, and even some difficult experiences were shared among all of our team members. It was humbling to hear how much we needed to count on God for direction, identity and humility while we had worked on restoring the homes and building relationships

Immediately following the meeting, we had a team Texas BBQ dinner with the ReachGlobal staff.

We sent Lorin home to go attend a wedding tomorrow, and the rest of us retired for our last night at our home away from home.

Then Tommy taught us how to make his famous biscuits

House 1 Photos

House 2 Photos

Today’s video!