Meet Our Team-Alice L

Alice La is the second newbie we’re featuring and will be assisting with photography and blogging while in OKC. She also happens to be engaged to two-year returning John.


1) Why did you decide to go on the trip this year?
I decided to go on the trip after hearing good things about serving from my fiancé who attended last year.
Thought it would be a good opportunity for us to serve together before
our wedding in November. I am curious to see how we would serve as a
couple and how that would change as we grow. 

2) How long have you been going to Evergreen?
I have been going for 3 years now. Sometime in 2013. Advice for a newcomer: do whatever you need to get plugged in- join a branch, choir, a
ministry, serve, ask questions about everything! I’m afraid it won’t
come easily, but stick to it at least for 3 months. Then you will
quickly find 3 months has become 3 years! 

3) What can people pray for you on your trip (a concern or hope you have)?
I’m afraid of flying, a recent development ever since my last trip to IHOP One Thing Conference in Kansas City. Hoping that I’ll have no fears
and just enjoy it! Also praying for a window seat to relax my fears…
*hint towards OKC core*…

I’m curious how God will use my creative talents for this trip to
express what this Missions trip is really all about. I want the folks
back home to virtually be there with us. Many members says that it’s
more of a service mission than it is about getting people to come to
God. So it would be a new experience to being the hands and feet of the
Lord rather than direct evangelism like I am used to. Hope everyone can
find time to take a look at the blog that I will be contributing to and
become part of the OKC team from home base.

Meet our team-Roz


As we return to Oklahoma City (OKC), we welcome a few first-timers, or newbies, as we affectionately call them. Roz Endow is one of our two women newbies, and jumped at the opportunity to help the team by organizing our Children’s message, where we speak with the children of the church.

Hi, this is Rosalind (Roz) Endow. My husband, John and I, have been coming to Evergreen for about 6 years now. I’m a 56 year old mother of four college age and up children. I am a part time dental hygienist.
I spend most of my free time studying and preparing to lead my BSF group. Last year I felt the Lord prompting me to go on mission but I had my excuses. I felt I was too old, I had never been on mission before and didn’t know what I would be getting myself in to, the timing wasn’t right because it was during the BSF study and I didn’t want to miss a class, and I couldn’t afford the time and expense.  This year the Lord wanted me to go despite my excuses so I applied and left it in His hands. By His grace my application was accepted and it is my prayer to experience Him, on mission, glorified in ways I have never seen before. God is faithful in calling me to go to OKC as He has provided by sending me with an experienced group, some in my generation, some with little experience like me and many friendly and familiar faces. I am looking forward to new blessings and stretching of my faith as I step out of my comfort zone. 

Please pray for me to be a good listener and to learn new skills quickly so I may be useful. Pray for me to have a gracious attitude no matter how tired I get or what I am asked to do. Pray for my love for the Lord and my fellow missionaries to increase and for me to decrease. I know God has plans for me this year at OKC and look forward to glorifying Him and for blessings through my obedience. 

2017 OKC Team begins

Patrick, Kevin T,  Jeff, Randy, John, Kevin L
Alice, Virginia, Art, Jimmy, Craig
Tommy, Peter, Lorin, Chris, Brandon, Pam, Roz

We’re getting ready…
We’re heading back to OKC and we’ve got a few newbies.

Kevin T, Jimmy, Kevin L, Brandon, Alice L and Roz are first timers
Randy Gee’s returning for his second trip…

Looks like a good year!

We’ll be leaving two weeks after Easter, and our commissioning will be happening on April 23rd. We’ll have more info and introductions to our new members