These Last Two Weeks…

Katrina 2008 PreTrip-Last Two Weeks


Two weeks before we left for Biloxi, we were commissioned at a church service.

This is a time where the team of ten is brought before our congregation, a pastor prays for our trip, for us to touch lives, and return home safely.

Each team member has a “MSG,” or Missionary Support Group, which is their personal support group while they’re preparing, on the trip, and upon their return. These guys really help a ton because there’s always a lot of things to do. They also meet and pray for their team member while they’re gone. Many of the 2007 team members are serving on the Support Groups for the 2008 Team members.

Kids’ Worship

A week later, we went to the Kids Worship, a smaller session during the church service designed just for the younger kids. Craig made a presentation describing the trip and what we’ll be doing. We gave them photos of us so that they can pray for us while we’re gone. They in turn, prayed for all the team members.

“Daddy, Just Do Your Best!”

Paul Liu will be joining the team for the first time this year.

One of the tasks to get us ready for our Hurricane Katrina Relief trip in May is to practice hammering nails.

Tommy Yamada had graciously given each of us some 2x4s with nails provided by Steve Chen so that we could practice on our own before we go. One Saturday, while it was over 90 degrees, I endeavored to practice pounding nails on the 2×4 in my driveway. I thought, “Geez, how hard can it be to hammer nails?” Sure enough the first few nails went it pretty straight as I took my time, then I started getting cocky and tried to pound them in faster.

At one point my daughter, Noemi, heard me saying “Aaarrrgh!” when the nail I pounded started to go in crooked. She promptly came over and asked in her sweet little voice, ‘Daddy, are you frustrated?” I simply smiled back and said “No honey, daddy is fine.” The next nail also went in crooked and I let out another “Aarrgh!” This time she came and over and said, “Daddy, just do your best! Don’t say ‘Aarrgh’ but just say ‘Oh well!’” That caused me to stop and burst out in laughter and I gave Noemi and Mason a big hug. Noemi was repeating back to me instructions we’ve been giving our kids all their lives. At least now I know they’ve been listening to what we’ve been telling them!

It was a great reminder that whatever happens in Biloxi, Mississippi, I should just do my best and give glory to God! And also, it still may be best for a person like me to use a nail gun!

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord” – Col 3:23

DC Hammer

Tommy, a team member returning from 2007 to co-lead 2008, explains a special member of the 2008 team… DC Hammer

What or who is DC Hammer and what on earth does it have to do with the Katrina Gulf Coast Relief Team? DC stands for Dennis Cho and Hammer stands for hammer. In this particular case a hammer that the members of the 2007 team presented to Dennis Cho for his exemplary leadership as team leader of the 2007 team. Even though he will not be able to return to the Gulf Coast this year because of a recurring battle with cancer, his hammer will return with the 2008 team and hopefully many more teams in the future. His friendship and support will also travel with us and we will hammer nails in his honor, build walls remembering his resolve and share the love of Christ as he did last year.

By grace,

“Because he loves me,” says the LORD, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. Psalm 91: 14,15 (NIV)

Kevin About Deciding to Join the Team

Kevin Kubo will be going to Biloxi for the first time, and talks about his decision…
Kevin also serves as Church Moderator for Evergreen SGV

As we were driving to one of our Katrina Gulf Coast Relief Team meetings, Tommy Yamada asked me if I had ever been to Biloxi, Mississippi. My quick response to his question was “no” and after a few brief moments I added, “and I never really had a desire to go there, either”.

Actually that wasn’t a true statement at all. In fact, I had been thinking about going to that “small town” on the Gulf Coast ever since the first Katrina team returned last year. I have always loved working with my hands (and getting dirty) and after hearing what a blessed time the first Katrina team members had, I felt the Lord calling me to volunteer to be a member of a second team should the opportunity arise. The idea of serving the Lord by helping others while doing something I enjoy was too much to pass up. Being able to serve side by side with men I admire was an added bonus!

This will be my first Missions trip (short term or otherwise) and the thought of being a “Missionary” is both exciting and frightening. I am excited about the prospects of going to a “faraway” destination to serve complete strangers with the hope of having the opportunity to be a witness to them. I am also excited about being able to pray for the home(s) that we will be working on as well as for the families that will be occupying them. The frightening part is when I realize that I am stepping out of my comfort zone to do those very things that I am excited about.

By God’s grace and mercy, I am hopeful that He will be able to use me during this trip to make a difference in someone else’s life.