2018 Return-We’re back, but there’s still a little more to come…

Saturday was a whirlwind. And we’re glad it was. It was nice to have a nice day where the team was all together, but all we could do was talk about the families we met.

We cleaned up and packed up and prayed for Ryan, our host and very competent supervisor this week.

Art, Ryan and Pam
and headed into NOLA, to drop in to Café du Monde and possibly see an old friend (again)

We got together with Brad, our old friend and site supervisor from Mississippi, now working for Habitat in NOLA

Craig, Brad and Roy

A quick bite to eat with Brad, a quick tour of his home, and a quick ride to the airport. We were back off home

Upon landing, we prayed for the trip, and how it affected both the homeowners, ourselves, and all that we came in contact with. Then a warm welcome from faithful friends and supporters!

It was a really fruitful trip, as we expand our little family. Recently, someone asked if we stay in touch with families we’ve ministered to. Truth is, throughout this whole trip, we were praying for a family from a previous trip as they go through a difficult time. Whether they’re people we’ve worked alongside or a family we were trying to serve, we consider them part of the reason why we serve.

There will be a more posts in the weeks to come, as we get some of the videos together and people are able to collect their thoughts and feelings. We’ve got a presentation that we do for the church, and we’re able to share a bit more from a heart level about what went on.

But we know you guys like them photos… 🙂

Click below.. and we’re still adding some more

Photos – Travel Day

2018 Travel Day-Early Departure, Arrival


an early flight, and some early rising supporters met us/took us to LAX. Even Pastor Victor and Rocky joined us for prayer as we were sent off to Louisiana


On our flight, we met several folks that were curious about our cheerful and interactive group, and one flight attendant, Rayemanette, was very kind and generous with her time and cheer. We became fast friends with her and other passengers, and shared of our volunteering with Habitat and Samaritan’s purse.

Lunch and Old Friends

Upon landing in New Orleans, we thanked God for our good flight, and went to Parkway Bakery and Tavern, meeting up with Denise and Paul from Mississippi, and Chris H who drove down from OKC. Our old buddy Brad from our Mississippi days even popped in to say hi, before returning to his duties at the local Habitat affiliate here in NOLA.
We went to our temporary home away from home, Grace Community Bible Church in Denham Springs and settled in for a quick moment to settle in and meet with Ryan. We also stopped off at Fedex to print up some quickie business cards for the people we’ve been meeting.
Then off to a hamburger and hot dogs at Ryan’s home and a Craig’s devo before our maiden run to Walmart.

Time for bed

Now off to bed in our new digs!
Here’s a quick photo album, maybe some videos in the next few days!

2013 Day 2-Video of the day!

Gary’s Video mastery has produced another video for you..

Another blessed day of work on the job site.

Cut a little short due to continued rain but very productive day. The evening we were blessed at our worship time through sharing of testimonies, singing, and a communion sharing by Brad (our friend and supervisor from previous trips).

2013 Day 0-Arrival, Orientation, Pier, Home Away From Home

As soon as we landed, we went to Habitat for Orientation and to see old friends. Teetra, an Americorps volunteer-turned Habitat staffer, gave an excellent orientation. 
HFHMGC (Our local Habitat affiliate) has received a federal grant to improve the energy efficiency of some local homes. Occupants must meet some requirements, including earning below 200% of the federal poverty level. It’s all part of Habitat’s “hand up, not a hand out” efforts to improve their clients’ financial solvency by reducing their costs, as a proactive form of providing financial assistance. 
This week, we will be doing some framing, similar to our first few years, working on a new build, with our friends and site supervisors, Paul and Denise. It’s a coveted stage of building, seeing the initial walls go up. Later in the week, we’ll be working in some hot, humid attic spaces, working on the energy saving efforts mentioned above. 
Lunch with Brad 
Our dear friend and old site-supervisor Brad joined us for lunch at Shaggy’s. We enjoyed his fellowship and it was good to have a team meal in Mississippi. 
It’s surprising how eight years after Katrina , much of the high value coastline property is still vacant slabs. Many people either didn’t return or didn’t feel it was cost effective to rebuild. 
At the pier, much to our amusement, Craig re-established his relationship with the seagulls enticing them with bread (okay, cha siu bao). 
A simple walk stroll down the pier turned into a spiritual encounter. Peter and Kelly spoke with a couple admiring the beautiful coastline. Surprisingly, Peter felt led to have Linda, the wife, pray for him. It turned out to be an answer to her prayer to bless someone while she was sitting there. Linda prayed for our entire team, leadership and our church. In turn, Kelly prayed for Linda and her husband. 
 It was another example of the teamwork that we get to experience here, with each team member depending on each other and God for taking the next step. We also learned that not only are we here to bless others, but to experience God with those we encounter. 
 New Life-our home away from home 
We arrived at New Life, our home in Mississippi for the last few years, reconnecting with Ken, his wife Dawn and their children Elizabeth and Paul. 
After dinner, we had a small devotional time, with worship (singing) led by Art and Pam. Gary did a simple, succinct and convicting devotional/teaching where he described a couple he knew that felt that chopsticks were too difficult, and had given up after a very brief attempt. 
Perhaps they could have had more success with a bit more patience How often do we give up on possibilities and promises…. Abraham must have been trying to have children for almost 25 years, having children at near 100. 
Finally, we were humbled as we shared impressions and prayer requests for the day. 
Elizabeth, Ken and Dawn’s seven-year old daughter, had been sitting with us during the worship time, and contributed some very clear and poignant prayers in support of a family that had someone take their own life.  
(Editor’s note: I was humbled, because I didn’t expect such a significant prayer to be requested by some young girl that was just hanging out with us. Later in the evening, she still contributed prayer requests for own health that were humble and hopeful. We are all learning that there is no one or opportunity great or small on this trip. Significance comes in all sizes, including by receiving as well as giving blessings) 
Thanks for your support!
Our first day on site tomorrow!

Notes from Ron N-“Blessed to be a blessing”

Ron N

Ron N went to Biloxi for the first time this year, and although he had some initial trepidation, he came out a week later a man with even more purpose.

Heb 10:24-25 and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more, as you see the day drawing near.

I had the wonderful opportunity to serve with 17 other men on week 2 of our 2011 EBC SGV Katrina Relief Team

In reflecting on my experience, since our return, I am struck by how God met me on a number of levels. As a member of previous Katrina missionaries’ MSG’s, I had heard glowing reviews of the experience, the staff and the people affected by Katrina.

One of the first things I did upon our return was to request the letter that Brad Holland, our site supervisor had written to the church last year. It brought tears to my eyes as I read his comments with different eyes, having experienced his mission field first-hand.

One of his observations resonated deeply with me. He stated, “Many assume that a missions trip to Mississippi with Habitat is about building houses, but I tell you from living in this field of missions day in and day out, that volunteers come down not only to build the edifice of a house, but for the edification of the children of God – it is God’s children both in homeowners and in workers that are in need of edification…. This is the second mission; the one overlooked. It is the mission of edifying people; of community. This is the relief of the workers.”

I admit that the first couple days I was at the worksite, I was somewhat obsessed about not messing up on the job. Then, on Thursday, 5/20/11, I woke up at 3:30A in the morning to go to the bathroom (I know, TMI) and thought I would have 2 more hours to rest. God had other ideas. I felt He spoke to me to speak encouragement into people’s lives, and to be intentional in affirming certain individuals, including Brad. Notes I read from my MSG for the day reinforced this notion, even though they had been prepared before my departure.

I hadn’t really even spoken to Brad onsite much before Thursday, but after we had our morning briefing, I specifically approached him and told him how impactful his “epistle” had been to influencing me to consider coming. He was appreciative of my encouragement, and stated that he hadn’t been able to do much writing recently. I had no idea he was a creative writing major in college!

Later in the week, he did a rousing rendition of MLK’s service speech. I then asked him if he had done some acting in college. He said yes. Then, on our last day at the worksite, he played some on the guitar. I asked him when he would be breaking out the dancing, but that was one area he did not claim as an area of expertise. I left him with the moniker, “Renaissance Man.”

Before I went to Mississippi, I wasn’t sure if Brad could live up to his advance reputation, but after meeting him in person, he was as advertised and more. It was a real blessing to get to know this dear brother in Christ. I’ve friended him on Facebook and he sent me a kind message, “I was glad to have you here on the Coast, and am thrilled by your courage to come. You were in good spirit whenever I saw you and that, along with your edification of others was quite an uplifting thing on site…. Best wishes, and thanks again for your time, and the encouraging words. Brother In Christ, Brad”