Commissioning at Evergreen SGV April 15, 2007

Today was our commissioning at church. Pastor Kyle Shimizaki prayed over the team.
(Youtube Video at the bottom of this post)

Each team member had representatives of their Mission Support Group present there to pray for them.

Although we had previously passed on the idea of getting team t-shirts, Dennis received them just in time for today’s commissioning. I have to admit they were pretty cool. Embroidered at that… 🙂 I just found out that Dennis bought them for the team.. very cool.. thanks Dennis

Dennis (Team Leader)

Mathias, Frank, Gary

Mo, Mathias


Steve, Robert, Tommy

Peter, Steve

Best Dressed: Tommy (who was an usher today)
But.. where’s Art?

Video of the Prayer Time

Spiritual Aspects/Bad news

Personal Note (from Peter):

One thing I’ve been praying for is to keep the spiritual aspect of this project. It’s pretty easy to get caught up in the practical elements: take a definite practical need (building housing), combine that with a bunch of guys and it takes an effort to remember this is a missions trip.

We are going as a church. There a number of other corporations, service and community groups, as well as individuals that are contributing to this effort as well. So what difference does it make? Will the nails that we hammer in be any different than those of a corporate team’s? Probably not. So why are we going? Can’t we just send money and let someone else do the work?

Well, I can’t deny that it’s nice to send your own personal representatives to work on a project, it allows our church and any of our supporters take ownership and pride over our efforts. However, that’s not our ultimate goal.

We want to be a blessing. A spiritual blessing. We, as a team as well as individuals, feel “called” to serve in Mississippi at this time. Not only do we want to help in practical ways by constructing homes, but by praying for the communities affected, visiting the neighborhoods affected by the devastation and praying for God’s blessing on the areas. We also hope to encourage other volunteers in their efforts to rebuild the region. Practical and spiritual are not mutually exclusive. So no matter what we have planned, we’re open to whatever God has in store for us, and we hope to have enough spiritual sensitivity to be aware, and enough courage to act on it.

The Bad News
Case and point: I, Peter, injured my wrist Friday, a week before we are to depart. As far as we can tell, it’s just a bad sprain and not broken. So the question is, should I still go on the trip?

I’ve been praying for that simple answer to a complex question, and it turns out to be one of trying to understand God’s perspective and priorities. Since day one, we’ve known that just because we’re going to Mississippi to work for Habitat, that doesn’t mean that we’ll all be able to work directly hands on a house. It’s highly likely we would, but we’re trying to manage expectations.

This never became more evident until I had to consider how much could I contribute to the project. Habitat is quite versatile and can accommodate people of varying abilities and limitations. I have no doubt that even in my slightly injured state, Habitat would be able to place me a useful role.

But is this the right time for me to go? Could we just save the money and let me go later when I’m more able bodied?

The simple answer is that I’m not quite sure yet.

If at all possible, I’m open to swapping out with someone else that could go in my place, but I believe the plane ticket is only in my name. Therefore, I’m still planning on going, and possibly working in an adjusted capacity. But only if my presence doesn’t hinder the team. I’ve planned on being able to carry my own load, and I don’t want to be an unplanned burden on my team if I have difficulties. This is because this is a temporary and unplanned impediment.

I know the support and friendship I have from the rest of the team would allow me to go in my less-able capacity, but since it’s temporary, I’m trying to weigh if I should just postpone my trip.

But the bottom line is: Does God want me to go?

Because if He does, then I should, and then I’ll find out why I’m supposed to be there. Will I witness a miraculous healing of my wrist? Will I find out that my contribution to the project had little to do with my physical abilities? Is there something that I’m supposed to learn in going, outside of any contribution to Habitat? Not sure, but only one way to find out, by making myself available.

So we’ll see, and for the time being, I’ll keep this option open until Friday. We’ll see how things pan out and see if this injury was to indicate that I’m supposed to stay in L.A., postponing the trip, or that it’s part of the story of this team.

The Week Before Commissioning

Blessing w/ Bags
Instead of bringing sleeping bags from Los Angeles, some the team members have elected to purchase brand new ones once we arrive in Biloxi. This will serve not so much as to lighten our load, but to as much as to hopefully be a blessing to the volunteers & residents. After using the sleeping bags for the week that we stay, we’ll be leaving them to the Salvation Army for other volunteers and/or to local families in need.

Commissioning – April 15th
This Sunday, April 15th at the 11:00 AM service, we’ll be commissioning the team. There will a short presentation about our mission and all 10 members will stand before the church to receive a short prayer. This serves to inform our church of the scope and the intent of the project, as well as identify who will be resprenting them in Mississippi.

Each team member has several of their missionary support group come up to “lay hands” on them, offering spiritual support of the church.

Work Global, Shop Local

The main way we’ll be supporting Habitat will be by sending volunteers and raising awareness.

With the recent introduction of the Jimmy Carter Work Project, we’re hoping for more more awareness of local opportunities. One of the benefits of this project is the ability to work side by side other churches as well as other non-church groups in this fantastic humanitarian project. One additional and interesting way to support Habitat is via the Habitat REStores, a Local Home Improvement store

The Home Improvement Store is an enterprise of Habitat for Humanity Greater Los Angeles (HFH of GLA) that sells new surplus and used home furnishings and building materials to the public. Materials donated by retail businesses, contractors, individuals and other organizations are sold at fifty percent or more below retail value.

So whether shopping at this particular store, or one of the Other Stores in the Area: Santa Ana, Pasadena, Oxnard, Riverside, you can hopefully get a value on your own home while supporting the cause.

Habitat News: Jimmy Carter Work Project in L.A.

As we’re preparing to go to Mississippi, Habitat makes a further commitment to us locally.

It’s exciting to be part of an organization that works domestically and worldwide, helping in a practical way. Hopefully, this will rekindle a spark for community involvement with a purpose.

Former U.S. President Carter Announces Los Angeles as Host City for Habitat for Humanity’s 2007 ‘Jimmy Carter Work Project’ (Full Article)

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter is in Los Angeles today to formally announce that the city has been chosen as the host for Habitat’s Jimmy Carter Work Project 2007. Now in its 24th year, the JCWP in an intensive week-long build that takes place in a different city around the world each year. Los Angeles was selected to raise awareness about the area’s need for affordable housing. Carter is scheduled to be in San Pedro from Oct. 28 to Nov. 2 to participate in the building of 30 new homes and repair 70 other houses in the Harborside Terrace subdivision. Greater Los Angeles Habitat also will announce plans of a three-year commitment to the area, which will include the construction of 150 additional homes and ongoing programs designed to raise awareness about affordable housing. Habitat for Humanity has built about 10,000 homes worldwide.

So Habitat comes to our neighborhood as we’re going to work on Habitat in Mississippi 🙂