An excerpt from Team Leader Dennis’ reflections
Through My Shaded Window Pane
I wish I had the wisdom and insight to be able to write a deeply introspective and touching synopsis of our recently completed mission trip to the Gulf Coast. But I’ve learned a man has to recognize his limitations, so I’m leaving the deep writing to others on the team that are blessed with that talent. 🙂 Though I leave the Pulitzer-prize-worthy writing to my more talented teammates, I do want to share with you a few thoughts that stand out strongly for me.
Seeing the remnants of houses, buildings and personal property destroyed by Katrina reminded me of what we have been studying recently regarding the treasures that we store. Indeed, the treasures we have here on earth are very, very temporary.
Our team was diverse in age, skills, talents and thoughts. We did not recruit for specific talents, skills or roles. By God’s grace alone, the volunteers for the team numbered exactly what we had planned for and provided a blend of skills that fulfilled every role needed. Though all different, each person’s contribution and role was invaluable in accomplishing what we were able to do during our week in Mississippi. No one was more important than another and the team operating as one body was able to achieve more than I imagined possible. We had a common thread that tied all of our diversity together – God.
In building the house, we faced many setbacks. We had walls that didn’t fit together. We had windows that were too long. We had a door that was too wide. We had windows that were too narrow. We had roof trusses that were out of alignment. We ran out of building material. We were flooded out. We didn’t always have the right tools. We didn’t have the right building plan. We learned the three most valuable tools to have on the construction site are: Sawz-All, Sledge Hammer and Palm Hammer*. This was a microcosm of our lives and the challenges we face daily. The three most valuable things for our daily living and the obstacles we face? Without a doubt, it is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
It was an honor for me to serve with the nine others who made up Team Katrina 2007. The camaraderie that we enjoyed equaled, if not surpassed, any other adventure I’ve been on. There are so many untold stories that time does not permit to write about. Suffice to say, I was truly blessed to have been able to participate on a mission with nine men who are embraced by the Holy Spirit.
Six months ago, I wondered what purposes God had in bringing me through my battle with cancer. I can now see that this Katrina Mission was one of them. I am so grateful He gave me the chance to honor Him through this opportunity to serve others in need. And most importantly, an opportunity to testify what a great God we have to everyone I came in contact with.
May God’s grace and blessings be with you always!
*Editor’s Note:
These tools were often used during this mission to undo work we had already done. The Sawz-all and Sledge Hammer were particularly useful to cut apart work that had to be redone 🙂