Kevin About Deciding to Join the Team

Kevin Kubo will be going to Biloxi for the first time, and talks about his decision…
Kevin also serves as Church Moderator for Evergreen SGV

As we were driving to one of our Katrina Gulf Coast Relief Team meetings, Tommy Yamada asked me if I had ever been to Biloxi, Mississippi. My quick response to his question was “no” and after a few brief moments I added, “and I never really had a desire to go there, either”.

Actually that wasn’t a true statement at all. In fact, I had been thinking about going to that “small town” on the Gulf Coast ever since the first Katrina team returned last year. I have always loved working with my hands (and getting dirty) and after hearing what a blessed time the first Katrina team members had, I felt the Lord calling me to volunteer to be a member of a second team should the opportunity arise. The idea of serving the Lord by helping others while doing something I enjoy was too much to pass up. Being able to serve side by side with men I admire was an added bonus!

This will be my first Missions trip (short term or otherwise) and the thought of being a “Missionary” is both exciting and frightening. I am excited about the prospects of going to a “faraway” destination to serve complete strangers with the hope of having the opportunity to be a witness to them. I am also excited about being able to pray for the home(s) that we will be working on as well as for the families that will be occupying them. The frightening part is when I realize that I am stepping out of my comfort zone to do those very things that I am excited about.

By God’s grace and mercy, I am hopeful that He will be able to use me during this trip to make a difference in someone else’s life.