“Daddy, Just Do Your Best!”

Paul Liu will be joining the team for the first time this year.

One of the tasks to get us ready for our Hurricane Katrina Relief trip in May is to practice hammering nails.

Tommy Yamada had graciously given each of us some 2x4s with nails provided by Steve Chen so that we could practice on our own before we go. One Saturday, while it was over 90 degrees, I endeavored to practice pounding nails on the 2×4 in my driveway. I thought, “Geez, how hard can it be to hammer nails?” Sure enough the first few nails went it pretty straight as I took my time, then I started getting cocky and tried to pound them in faster.

At one point my daughter, Noemi, heard me saying “Aaarrrgh!” when the nail I pounded started to go in crooked. She promptly came over and asked in her sweet little voice, ‘Daddy, are you frustrated?” I simply smiled back and said “No honey, daddy is fine.” The next nail also went in crooked and I let out another “Aarrgh!” This time she came and over and said, “Daddy, just do your best! Don’t say ‘Aarrgh’ but just say ‘Oh well!’” That caused me to stop and burst out in laughter and I gave Noemi and Mason a big hug. Noemi was repeating back to me instructions we’ve been giving our kids all their lives. At least now I know they’ve been listening to what we’ve been telling them!

It was a great reminder that whatever happens in Biloxi, Mississippi, I should just do my best and give glory to God! And also, it still may be best for a person like me to use a nail gun!

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord” – Col 3:23