A local TV Station came to the site today and shot some footage in preparation for the Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Work project… Some of our team can be seen in the video, but featured in the interview is our very own Steve C. Take a a look at http://www.wlox.com/global/story.asp?s=8292504 the content of the article:
Habitat Volunteers Participate In Framing Frenzy In Biloxi
Posted: May 8, 2008 05:58 PM
Updated: May 8, 2008 06:43 PMBILOXI (WLOX) — In the parking lot adjacent to Biloxi’s historic lighthouse, several new homes are going up at an amazing pace. And despite all the hard work, the volunteers are having fun doing it. They even have a pet name for their unusual construction zone.
“They decided since we’re in such a gorgeous location on the beach, it’ll be banging beach,” says Site Manager Vic Fasolino.
But these homes aren’t staying on “banging beach.” They are just part of the pregame show for the soon to kick off Jimmy Carter Work Project for Habitat for Humanity. Fasolino calls this the “framing frenzy.”
“Normally during the Jimmy Carter Work Project, we have a bunch of houses that are getting built all at one time, from beginning to finish in five days,” says Fasolino. “And that’s the five days that Carter is present. In this particular case though, we’ve decided that we’re going to build the wall sections for the next 48 Habitat houses that are going to get built in the Gulf Coast area.”
That, combined with the 60 homes to be built or renovated across the Mississippi Gulf Coast in the coming weeks punctuates for volunteer Steve Chen of California the need that still exists on the Gulf Coast. A need that he says is too often forgotten back home.
Chen says, “Most people out there, they’re like, Katrina what?”
He and his fellow church members from Evergreen Baptist in Los Angeles say this is their way to remind people what big things volunteers can do in just a little time.
“A lot of homes have been rebuilt and renovated and those are positive signs,” says Chen. “But it looks like there’s a long way to go.”
The Carter project includes more than 250 homes to be built through the end of the year across the three state region affected by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
by Don Culpepper