Hello From Biloxi

Paul’s note from Biloxi

Just wanted to say hi to all my friends and family back home. We are doing well and and excited about the week. There are some cool people here that work for Habitat and Salvation Army at this facility.

To my family, I miss you guys and will call you every day. Mason, remember you are the man of the house big boy! Noemi, you are a great little helper for mommie and Wen, I couldn’t have done this without your support. Love you guys!

To my MSG, thanks for all your prayers and continued support this week? God could not have blessed me with a better team? I look forwards to communicating with you guys this week through this blog?

That’s it for now? It’s time for dinner!

God Bless,

Day 0 – On the Plane and Lunch (Craig)

New friends Hamir and Chris…

Laura’s business cards are coming in handy.

Hamir, whom we met on the plane from Houston to Gulfport, is a Riverside native now living in Ocean Springs, a Gulf Coast city near Biloxi. During the two-hour delay on the tarmac while awaiting flight re-routing, he offered dining suggestions and we exhanged business cards.

Chris, pictured above, runs Bruno’s Cafe, a lunch-only, week-day only cafe where we enjoyed fresh shrimp and crawdads, po’ boys, gumbo, pulled pork, ribs, and assorted fried seafood items. Hungry yet? What a great lunch!

Guys, if you’re reading this blog, thanks for extending Southern hospitality to us big city boys. God bless both of you.

Day 0 – LAX Sendoff

We met at 10p at LAX and were sent off by many well wishers.

The support is remarkable, and speaks volumes of those that we represent.

We proudly represent our church, our friends and our family.

While meeting, Pastor Kyle prayed for us, then our Leader/Captain Craig spoke encouraging words for us, praying for the families we would be leaving behind to work in Biloxi. He prayed for them to know they would be left in God’s hands, and that we left to serve in part to honor our friends and family.

It was a long flight, as mentioned before, the 1 hour layover in Houston wasn’t bad, but we spent 2.5 hours on the tarmack, where most of us fell asleep.

Thanks to those who saw us off..


After 2.5 hrs of sitting on the runway, we’re finally in the air. it was raining in Houston, and all flights were rerouted somehow. But we’re in the air for our 58 minute flight. We’re thankful the delay was after we had to make the connection.


Us eating our bag of food minutes after we went through security at LAX.

Day 0 – LAX Sendoff (Steve O Style)

We’re in the airport in Houston, with our one hour layover to Gulfport. Steve O wants to make sure his photos and comments get uploaded..Here are his first few shots, including one from the plane..

Click on the photo to see all his pictures.

We’ve been eating a ton of food from the sendoff. Peter’s MSG brought an entire duffel bag of munchies, and we started eating it minutes after we got inside the terminal.

The sendoff was much appreciated and set the tone right for the trip. We prayed for our families and friends and focused on what we needed to do.

Thanks guys

2008 Flight Information

For those wondering…We’ll be flying Continental from LAX to Gulfport Via Houston.

To Biloxi: Monday, May 5, 2008

  • Leave LAX 12:45 a.m. (CO1094), arrive IAH (Houston) 5:57 a.m.
  • Leave IAH 7:05 a.m. (CO2525), arrive GPT (Gulfport/Biloxi) 8:23 a.m.

Our Return is: Sunday, May 11, 2008

  • Leave GPT 11:58 a.m. (CO2555), arrive IAH 1:23 p.m.
  • Leave IAH 2:15 p.m. (CO137), arrive LAX 3:51 p.m.

Yes, we return on Mother’s Day, pray for the guys’ families that their wives will be understanding 🙂

If you wish to see us off, we’ll be at LAX Ticketing for Continental near 10pm Sunday Evening (May 4)

2008 Personality Profiles

Evergreen has been sending out missions teams for a bit… and has tried to prep and support their teams before they ever leave home.

One aspect is the MSG, Missionary Support Group. Another is trying to have the team become aware of their different personalities and styles, ever before any of these differences become apparent while away from home.

Two of these exercises include the Myers-Brigg Personality Test and the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Resolution Inventory.

It was suggested to post our results? The comment was made to compare how these personality profiles might play themselves out during the Mission. The goal is to help us understand, support and communicate with each other (and those around us) more effectively, and is part of our making the most of the mission.

All of the profiles and inventories are just a thumbnail of how the team member answered some questions, giving some indication of their dominant personality traits and possibly some weight for them.

So, for your edification and enjoyment:

If you want to play along at home go to personalitytype.com and read what each of the personality types mean…

Personality Types

Conflict Resolution Types

Interesting note about the Conflict Resolution Type is that the numbers not only indicate dominant conflict resolution styles, but the closer the number is to the next dominant style, the easier it is for the person to switch between the two.