2009 04 28-First work day

Our team was split into two groups.

One, we called “Go with the Mo” consisted of:
Mo, Duane, Ward, Roy, Kevin, Chris, Steve, Kelly, Gary, Rich, Keith (who no one could remember who the eleventh guy was Keith, our church moderator)

The other, unnamed group consisted of:
Craig, Tommy, Kaj (Brent), James, Jeff, Baldwin, Randy, Peter, Eric, Art

Keith’s group worked on
Interior work (insulation, painting, detail work, finish work)
Their work practically finished up the house before sheet rock

Part of their team began cutting lumber for the new house they’ll begin work on tomorrow. That house will begin working from the ground up, literally starting from a foundation.

Craig’s group worked on putting on rafters and roof supports, then the plywood sheets on the roof of a house in process. There was also a deck that was built from scratch.

The begin of the day
We started this morning with our team assignments, then breakfast, followed by a short devotional by Peter about our DC Hammer, and trying to make the most of every moment.

We hit the work site with extra gatorade, water and fresh legs.

For those wondering, we’ve suffered no major injuries, and everyone worked today.

There was decent cloud cover, and we worked hard in pretty comfortable conditions, but hard work for most of the desk jockeys we have was a good experience.

We worked alongside new friends, and learned a lot about each other, praying for the potential homeowners as we worked.

Pictures of the day available here

2009 04 27 Evening worship

This year, two of our team members, Chris and Rich, brought their guitars.

It was for the purpose of leading us in songs of worship, like we do at church.

It was really encouraging and inspiring to be singing “Resting Place” about building a home where we wish God to dwell, while standing on the remains of what was once a building.

Art and Baldwin helped in leading our time.

Afterwards, Keith did a devotional teaching challenging us as men to face our fears of failure… As men, as husbands. We broke up into smaller groups to share with one another and to pray and encourage one another.

We hope that this process of making us better men will enable us to be able to serve God better both while we’re building the homes for those in need, meeting the people along the way, and being able to be more authentic when we return home.