2009 05 01-Morning Devotional and 4th day of work.

Morning Devotional

The day began with our morning devotional by Randy, who asked us to see how we might be different than the other groups that are working here.

There could be a difference, or none at all

It was noted not only that we stay up later, but there is a camaraderie, our times of worship and teaching, and we’re all asian.

We should also try to be intentional and take opportunities to make a difference, no matter how small, no matter how great. We should try to make a difference.

Work Day

More commentary and videos soon. Just.. we gotta sleep sometime πŸ™‚
Some of the guys who have the stuff we need to post are in small group right now, so it’ll have to wait for a bit.. but check back..

We’re going to focus a bit more on Chris and Keith’s group today for two reasons. One, the blogger/photographer/videographer types are on the other team, and we want to be fair.

The second is that THEY RAISED THEIR WALLS!! πŸ™‚

One aspect that is especially nice, and another good reason to be part of Habitat, is that each morning they open with not only a prayer, but a devotional.
Brad H, Site supervisor for Chris and Keith’s group opened up with this inspiring one today

But come on.. they raised their walls today! πŸ™‚

And on Craig’s…

Today’s Photo Album

Katrina 2009 05 01-4th day of work

Tomorrow is our last work day, and then we move to another site for our last night in Biloxi. God’s been blessing us.

And now we’re suposed to work up there or not.