`It’s been a couple weeks since we got back, and in some ways, it seems as if it was a year, some ways it seems like it was yesterday.
When we returned, there was much to do, including assimilate back into our “normal” lives.
Sorry it took so long to put this up, but here’s Jonathan’s Note:
Jonathan, an active member of Evergreen SGV’s young adult group, Converge, was a first-timer for the Mississippi team.
As well as working in many capacities on the team, he also served as one of the chief videographers (and commentator). He started out kinda quiet, but by the middle of the trip, he was quite chatty. He said it was a function of getting to know the guys.
In response to Tommy Y’s question of “what is one word that summarizes your trip?”
Humbled –
I am humbled by the way the Habitat/Americorps workers dedicate their lives in serving others. They have made a decision to signficantly change their way of life, move to a new state, and earn a very small wage to help those who are in need. God is using them, not only pour out love onto the locals, but to show us that there is much work to do in the missions field.
God opened my eyes and heart for the people in Mississippi during our missions trip, which was my first. I was very touched by the way the Habitat/Americorp workers dedicate themselves in helping others. They made a long-term committment in building houses for those who are in need, despite making below the poverty-line for wages themselves. I feel spoiled, living in Califorina, with so many luxuries nearby. It was a wake-up call from God. There are so many opportunities in the field to help and minister to people. It reminded me of the verses in Matthew 9:37-38, “Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.'” It is my prayer that our Father can teach & use me to share about His love onto others.
It was also a blessing to serve with so many godly men from church. I’ve got the opportunity to get to know each of them more. Their heart for the Lord is a very admirable characteristic. I look forward to other opportunities in serving with them in the future. Praise God for all that He has shown us during the trip. God is good! All the time