Gary H a first timer, is serving on the CoEd team.
“There was a gentleman named Rick who started working at the kitchen recently where we are staying.
During the time we were making small talk he asked me why I was here in Mississippi. I gave him my answer that I wanted to help and love the people of Mississippi and that I wanted to reveal God’s glory through words and deeds. He said that was fine but it wasn’t the answer he was looking for. He told me that the answer was that,”God has chosen you”. He has chosen you to come to Mississippi to help the people. By choosing you it should be an honor and a special privilege to come and that I am totally blessed to be chosen. After he told me I was totally blown away that I have that honor and privilege to serve God. I thank God that he has brought a guy like Rick to remind me what an honor and privilege that I am given to serve God.”
“In my next conversation with Rick who was working as the cook and working at the kitchen he shared that recently within the month that his son passed away. I could see that he was still sad about his son passing. So we talked a long time about his life and how he became a Christian.
That night I emailed my MSG to pray for Rick. The next day I approached Rick and told him that my MSG group and I prayed for him. He blew me away when he stated that,”I knew that you would pray for me”. He told me that the day before when he shared about his son, he sensed from God that we would pray for him. I thank God for giving me an opportunity to minister to Rick and Rick ministering to me.”