Video of our commissioning
Also, a quick treat
Linda, a nurse by profession, will be serving as our team “medic” and is a team newbie for 2018!
Evergreen SGV Relief team
Linda, a nurse by profession, will be serving as our team “medic” and is a team newbie for 2018!
Sunday, on our last Sunday before we leave for OKC, our team was commissioned during our church service.
At our church, every missionary or service team member selects a small group of friends or family to support them practically and spiritually for the trip. This allows people who are not physically going on the trip to be part of the effort.
In previous years, we flew out in the late morning, but this year, our flight is at 9AM next Sunday (4/30/2017) so we won’t be able to make it to service and get into the airport in time for check in.
Team leader, Craig experienced our church’s intimacy when we realized he didn’t have a microphone for himself, so Pastor Dan shared the one clipped to his own shirt.
After Craig announced our names, he mentioned that we will be sponsoring Miss Smith’s home, and acknowledged Mathias and Gary Murakami, our stay-at-home team members this year.
Click here for some photos from the commissioning
Pastor Cory led us in a time of prayer, helping us to stay focused on the spiritual elements of the trip. Sometimes it’s hard with such a task-oriented trip to remember we’re trying to serve God and be open to His leading.
Please pray for our team’s preparation, and for Paul, our friend and previous site manager from Mississippi, who will be flying in to OKC a day before us. It’ll be great to reconnect with him and Chris H, our site manager in OKC.
Only a few days away!
With the recent return of the CoEd team, a week later, the second half, the Men’s team is commissioned.
After a brief introduction by Team Leader Craig K, Pastor Kyle prayed over the team.
We were told to line up alphabetically. We did. By last name. They introduced us by first name.
Measure twice, cut once…. 🙂
A little late, but just wanted to make sure you had access to Daryl’s photos from the commissioning at church The team’s on the road right now, and these shots are from a week ago, hours before they left for Biloxi. Right now, they’re meeting at Antioch house
About half of the guys were able to attend the Kids Church school to explain about our trip, and also to receive a blessing from the kids.
(Unfortunately, there was also a baptism service going on at the same time, and some of our guys had friends and relatives in there)
But during the time with the kids, they showed some sample tools, and talked about how serving to build homes for those in need was another way to show people that God loved them
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Kids Church Commissioning 04.26.09 |
We gathered at the same time at the same place.
That in itself was a feat!
Craig gave some opening words for us about our focus on the mission. Hopefully we’ll be posting video and pics in the next few days.
But did want to thank the Kiras (Kelly and Jared) for their contribution of 20+ Tshirts for the team members to wear.
It’s a really nice looking t-shirt, plus it helps us stay focused that we’re a team.
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From Katrina 090419-Commissioning |
With all the Team members, and all the associated MSG (Missionary Support Group) members behind us, there were over 100 people near the front of the church to lay hands and pray for us.
Their support is spiritual and practical as well.
Our MSG’s are our main support while we prepare for, during, and after our return from our mission trip. Many of the team members have their spouses acting as MSG Leaders.
Thanks for the blessings guys
Thanks to Marcus for these pics available via facebook
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From Katrina 090419-Commissioning |
If you’re in the area and want to see the entire team at one place at one time.. 🙂 We will be commissioned by the church at the 11am service this Sunday, April 19th. Pictures from last year are available
Katrina 2008 PreTrip-Last Two Weeks
Two weeks before we left for Biloxi, we were commissioned at a church service.
This is a time where the team of ten is brought before our congregation, a pastor prays for our trip, for us to touch lives, and return home safely.
Each team member has a “MSG,” or Missionary Support Group, which is their personal support group while they’re preparing, on the trip, and upon their return. These guys really help a ton because there’s always a lot of things to do. They also meet and pray for their team member while they’re gone. Many of the 2007 team members are serving on the Support Groups for the 2008 Team members.
Kids’ Worship
A week later, we went to the Kids Worship, a smaller session during the church service designed just for the younger kids. Craig made a presentation describing the trip and what we’ll be doing. We gave them photos of us so that they can pray for us while we’re gone. They in turn, prayed for all the team members.
Today was our commissioning at church. Pastor Kyle Shimizaki prayed over the team.
(Youtube Video at the bottom of this post)
Each team member had representatives of their Mission Support Group present there to pray for them.
Although we had previously passed on the idea of getting team t-shirts, Dennis received them just in time for today’s commissioning. I have to admit they were pretty cool. Embroidered at that… 🙂 I just found out that Dennis bought them for the team.. very cool.. thanks Dennis
Best Dressed: Tommy (who was an usher today)
But.. where’s Art?
Video of the Prayer Time
Blessing w/ Bags
Instead of bringing sleeping bags from Los Angeles, some the team members have elected to purchase brand new ones once we arrive in Biloxi. This will serve not so much as to lighten our load, but to as much as to hopefully be a blessing to the volunteers & residents. After using the sleeping bags for the week that we stay, we’ll be leaving them to the Salvation Army for other volunteers and/or to local families in need.
Commissioning – April 15th
This Sunday, April 15th at the 11:00 AM service, we’ll be commissioning the team. There will a short presentation about our mission and all 10 members will stand before the church to receive a short prayer. This serves to inform our church of the scope and the intent of the project, as well as identify who will be resprenting them in Mississippi.
Each team member has several of their missionary support group come up to “lay hands” on them, offering spiritual support of the church.