2015 Team Encouragement from Shirley

Shirley returns to the team, this time it’s OKC

To understand our trip, you should know our hearts.

It’s a mission. To help. To be part of the caring heart and hand of God.

Part of that role has been filled by Shirley, who’s helping us stay focused as our unofficial Team Prayer Leader/Prayer Reminder person . (no, it’s not a title, I’m just making it up)

Recently we on the team got another encouraging letter that we’d like to share with you:

Hello Fellow OKC Relief Team members,

 “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling. 

There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy habitation of the Most High. God is in the midst of her, He shall not be moved. GOD WILL HELP HER WHEN MORNING DAWNS.” Psalm 46: 1-5 

I cannot imagine what it would be like to live through such a horrific disaster such as Moore, Oklahoma experienced. Those of us, who went last year, may have an inkling of an idea. I just reviewed a report of the tornado of May 20, 2013. I also recalled the 1995 domestic terrorism bombing in Oklahoma City, not far from Moore. I don’t know about you, but there are many times, I have thought about the “Big One” here in the L.A. metropolis. I beg for God’s mercy. I can imagine Christian Oklahomans, living in tornado country, doing the same thing – asking the Lord to spare them from a tornado.

It has almost been two years, since that tornado broke the hearts of many in Moore. I’m asking the Lord, that we be able to minister His love and bolster faith in those affected. I’m thanking Him for all the spiritual and structural recovery, He has brought to this area in the past two years and even the past 20 years, since the bombing of the federal building in downtown OKC.

As I wrote: “I can’t even imagine.” May the Lord help us minister in His Holy Spirit.

God bless you, my fellow teamers.


Here’s your 2015 Team!

Evergreen SGV Oklahoma Relief Team April 26 – May 3, 2015

Your 2015 Team
Row 1: Chris, Gary, Peter, Tommy, Craig, Lorin, Shirley, Pam, Art
Row 2: Tom, Frank, Jeff, Matthew, Virginia
(Kelly not pictured)
Here’s an excerpt from our Support Letter, which you can access by clicking here
Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.  1 John 4:11
Once again, we are investing a week of our lives to share the love of Jesus with those affected by the devastation of an EF5 tornado, that caused loss of life and property in Moore, OK, in May 2013. We will partner with Central Oklahoma Habitat for Humanity to do whatever construction or refurbishment work is needed.
If God is calling you to support us, please consider our prayer requests:  
(1) team unity
(2) safe travel to and from Oklahoma City, as  well as safe travels while we are there
(3) protection from injury and illness 
(4)  protection for our families while we are away
(5)  most of all, that God would provide opportunities for us to grow in faith in Him and to share that faith with others we encounter.
Thank you for taking time to consider this opportunity to partner with us.
In His service, Members of the Evergreen SGV 2015 Oklahoma Relief Team
PS:  Before, during and after our mission trip, we will be recording reflections on the Team blog at http://sgvhabitat.blogspot.com