2007 Team Note

Editor’s Note about Dennis

I’m taking the time to make a note about Dennis, pictured here..

He’s a good guy, and I always smile when I see him at church.

Dennis was our team leader for the 2007 team, our church’s first team. Going into uncharted waters, he led our team with grace, humor and strength.

I had the time to talk with him about his reasoning and timing for the trip. We both had commented that we were able bodied and available during the time of the trip, so why not go?

For the sake of Dennis’ privacy, I don’t want to get into the details, but I found out later that Dennis had recently recovered from dealing with cancer, was able to lead our team, and then after returning from Mississippi, had another physical battle. If you saw the guy, or even worked alongside him, you would have never knew. But all during the mission in Biloxi, he had a window where he was able to respond perfectly to God’s call.

If he hadn’t trusted in God, and God’s timing, he would have missed out on an opportunity to have a lasting impact on his family, church, team, and a family he’ll likely never meet.

Just because he made himself available to God’s timing.

It’s extremely encouraging to see a man “Seize the Day,” and to have worked alongside with him.

As a new team forms, Dennis will be supporting us from home, but his building skills will live on in more than in building a house, but in building the men that he led.

Thanks Dennis, carpe diem, my friend.

I mean, come on, look at this guy 🙂