Katrina 2009-Reflections by Art

From Katrina 2009 Team

On this second trip, Art once again worked hard on the roof (and this roof was steeper), but also pulled double duty by shooting most of the pictures you see in our photo gallery.

His real character showed throughout the week, with his honest, humble sharing in the devotional times, and taking the time to talk and care for the people he would meet

This being my second trip to Katrina, I knew what the job entailed in terms of working on the job site. I wasn’t looking forward to the hard work and aching muscles afterwards, but knew in my mind that a deserving family would be living in the house I helped build. On occasion we would work alongside family members putting in their hours towards home ownership. Not much socializing went on because we were focused on building a house.

During dinner one night we heard that a Habitat family would be joining us one evening during the week. Habitat staff tries to invite future homeowners to join volunteers for dinner. It’s one thing to see family members on the job site and quite a different thing seeing them in a social setting. That put a face to a house, maybe not the house I was building but a Habitat house somewhere in the Mississippi area. This was my divine appointment with this family…my epiphany. It made all the sweating in the hot sun, body aches, and seemingly endless trips to Walmart (our second home) worth coming out here. We even got an impromptu serenade by one of the daughters who even sang happy birthday to Uncle Roy! Before leaving and after our birthday ice cream, we circled the family and prayed over them. It was an emotional God moment after a long day.