Rain, Rain, Go Away…

Today we were blessed with rain in the latter half of the day. As a result we had to come back from the work site about an hour early. It was a blessing from the Lord; in that we were able to relax a bit more than usual as a team, and spend some quality time together.

Our day though it was cut short was filled with fun as we continued to build relationships with our supervisor Jamie and our Americorps workers, Joel, Mike, and Steve. We were also blessed to meet a volunteer college student named Mariah. A few highlights were: finally finishing the deck, getting the roof to pass inspection, and the awesomely cool and breezy weather (pre storm)

Please pray for the weather, it is threatening to rain tomorrow, which will prevent us from continuing our work at the site. Pray that whatever happens we would do what God desires us to do with our time tomorrow. Pray also for our time at Antioch, that we would each individually receive from the Lord what he desires us to get on this trip. Finally if you could pray for the houses we worked on specifically, we will be praying along side you all, for the future owners, and all that goes on at those locations.