Day 3 – Shed Video…

The Shed

What had originally started as our team dinner, per the suggestion of our site manager, we ate at The Shed, a local BBQ restaurant. Three years later, it’s much more than just grabbing some baby backs. It’s our time to hang out with our coworkers, leaders and new friends.

It’s a nice tradition, and a nice time to get to know each other. Our combined teams (21) had about 14 other guests, making it quite the BBQ party.

But more importantly, it was a nice time to thank our leaders for the time and effort they had invested into us over the last few days.

The guys are the ones holding down the fort. Week after week, long after we’re gone, keeping the rebuilding effort going, while we’re home sleeping in our own beds, with our own families.

Many of them come from Americorps backgrounds, and the sacrifice they have made professionally and personally to serve is quite humbling.

We are continually amazed how many people come to serve, without the benefit that we have of a sending church, helping us personally, financially and spiritually.

So all the better to learn about our current team, and how we might best support and pray for them. Many of them come for spiritual reasons too. A few of our leaders attend local churches while stationed/working down in the Mississippi Gulf Port area. There are unique challenges that go with being away from their homes.

So all in all, it was a good meal, not only because the food was tasty, but the company and fellowship really made it all the better.