end of the work day 02

As suspected… there probably will be less video and pictures in the coming days. This always happens, and it’s a good thing.

James, our primary photographer, has gone from a newbie of wonder, to now a newbie of wanting to work… That’s a good thing.

Team was split all over the place working on different aspects of the project.

Art, Pam and Roy working on a cantilever support in the back.

Trey and Kenny

Kenny worked with volunteer Trey, from local William Carey University. They teamed up on some of the trim in the back.

Peter continued his education on Southern charm with Miss Tomme, who made what would otherwise seem like orders sound like requests drenched in Sweet Tea.

Chris, James, Mo and Tommy continued work on the inside, hanging and trimming doors.

Millie continued her community service to Steve, working on the front stairs after their fake scare about the 1/8″ difference…

Carol, Gary, Lorin switched between working with staining and helping the Millie/Steve/Diane crew on the front stairs..

Okay, we’re showering and then off to our special dinner with the HFH affiliate.

Updated (final?) Brad walktrhough video of the LEEDS house?