2012 05 01-Good morning (and happy bday Uncle Roy!)

James is back at home probably sleeping or riding a bike or running or something, but in his seat is Gary. Gary and Craig arrived Sunday night, but today will be their first day on the job site.

We head out a bit weary, but very re-energized by the additional support of these two key vets, but also from an unlikely source, two new friends, Jim and Shirley (who wants us to refer to her as “Nannie”). While slathering on our morning sunscreen by the cars, all the guys were commenting on Jim and Nannie’s words from the night before. When asked why he comes down to work on these projects, especially at 80+, Jim said “we come down to make God look good, that’s all we have to do,” “I don’t need to see another castle.” The words fell on a smiling but silent and humbled group of men.

Put so simply, it was humbling to hear that perspective from someone that has gone before us. Nannie piped in “I want you to know, that I wouldn’t have come down unless God told me so.” Their friendly servant conviction was inspiring and … well.. once again, humbling.

And these two are going to be working with us on the job site.

I hope we can keep up with them.

Oh, and speaking of keeping up, we have a wounded warrior, Steve. Steve, the marathon man, likely the most fit of us all, has been carefully guarding his recovering right ankle. But when he woke up Sunday morning with his swollen left ankle, it came as a total surprise. We continue to ask for your prayers for his recovery, and also for his patience in his current state. Flexibility is both a physical and a emotional thing. We look forward to seeing how God will use him today.

Tommy’s devotional this morning was simple and sweet. Last week, while working on the window sills, Pam and Millie were trying to get the cuts just right. Tommy told them “that’s why God invented caulk.” (Caulk is that white silicone fills spaces in the wall) “It’s like grace, it covers a multitude of sins,” he continued. But as Tommy reflected on his joke, he says that the commonly used phrase kind of cheapens Grace. Grace doesn’t mask and cover over your mistake, it redeems it.

With that in mind, we thank you for your support and pray that you experience the Grace of God in your life today.

Millie just called to wish us a good morning and made a point to wish Uncle Roy a happy bday. If you get a chance, please take the time to read her entry.