Kuleana: A few days before departure, a note from Pam

Of this year’s two married couples on the team, Art and Pam are both returning team members. (We look forward to the opportunity of Steve and Shirley serving together, hopefully side by side)

Here’s a note that Pam wrote to some of her supporters, that we’d like to share with you..

Pam F

Dear Friends and Family,

It’s been two weeks since Art and I returned from a wonderful, relaxing 10 days in Kauai and Oahu. I’m loving the islands more and more.  It is paradise on earth but true paradise will be at Jesus’ side.

And here we are getting ready to leave for MS on Sunday to work with Habitat.

Listening to Hawaiian songs would bring tears to my eyes even though I have no clue what they’re saying.   I just learned of a Hawaiian word, although not while we were on the islands. Kuleana.  Unlike English, the Hawaiian language can say many different things in one word.  Kuleana is path, posse, responsibility, privilege, concern, cause, reason…Kuleana may be those to whom or for whom you are responsible.  They are your accountability system.  So you are my Kuleana…I am responsible to you who are sending me out.

It is also my Kuleana, responsibility, to take the Word and love of God out to the people in MS or whoever I may meet along the way.

Kuleana can also speak of a value or way of thinking.  Then the perspective changes to “what an honor and privilege it is for me to have the responsibility to take the Word and love of God out to the people.”  It adds an expression of gratitude that is sometimes lacking in taking on a responsibility.  If I adjust my perspective to include honor and privilege, then the responsibility takes on a new meaning.  That is Kuleana.  Maybe I’m totally off base.  But it sounds good.

So what is your

Mahalo and Christ’s love,Pam