Last Day

We’re Back!

One direct flight back to LAX and we’re back!

We’ll be reviewing the trip, and the team members will be posting some of their thoughts as they get settled back home, but for now, just wanted to do a quick recap of this last day


Most all the team packed up and ready to go, about half of us went over to the Sanctuary side of Hilltop Baptist. It’s the second of the two main buildings on the property. We’ve been staying on the Gym/Fellowship side.

After breakfast, it was worship, including taking communion with their congregation. For a few moments, Gary was helping greet people. Pastor Matt preached a message regarding commitment to church. This is especially poignant as they are in a regrowth swing in their church history. After being in a interim position as lead pastor, Matt’s permanent position was being put to a vote later that day. 

Flight home

Flight home and the direct flight was a welcome change from the dash 
in Dallas we had done when going to Mississippi. 

While at the airport, it was time for the vote on Matt. Although not members, and not at the church, we sent Matt an email of encouragement showing him our support. (We literally asked each other for their vote, and this is the result)

Goodbye Paul 

Paul was with us for a week, and it went by so fast. It wasn’t until the last half of the week that we realized he had been sent by his home church, and our church while in Mississippi, Mosaic. The difference of being sent by a church vs coming on your own was never more evident as this realization swept over us. We love Paul and his presence on our team has been an honor and fantastic resource. His spiritual presence, humility and candor has helped us all grow, but knowing that he carries the blessings, authority and resources of his church was somehow a little more humbling. He was no longer just a friend who came along to be with us, but a man with clearer accountability and purpose, even in our eyes. It helped us understand our own role.

We prayed with and for Paul in the OKC airport. 
Paul talking with his fiance, and our friend, Denise

Praying for Paul in OKC

Peter, Paul and Gary (and Millie)

Flight back was full of people nodding off too sleep from a hard week’s work, but also for chatting with people on the plane. Wearing our Habitat shirts, it was often the point of conversation. Jeff hit it off with a traveler who spends part of his time in Southern California, and the rest in Oklahoma. Tom might even join us should we come back to build in OKC. 
Pam was seated next to an Oklahoman woman whose home was wiped out by last year’s tornado and had it rebuilt by Habitat. Was a nice way to end the trip.

Returning home, we deplaned and paused for a moment to thank God for a good trip and a good team, then off to be greeted by our supporters. Their support was very energizing even thousands of miles away, but to experience it firsthand is all the more heartfelt.

There’s more to come as we catch our breath and reflect upon this week of serving God and His people. Just trying to get settled down into the life we left behind and get caught up. But wanted to let you all know we arrived safely!