Construction Day 3

Fearing rain, we prepared for the worst, but we were happy to experience some cloud cover vs. the previous day’s heat.

We got to meet Diane, Bracky’s wife, who also introduced us to the Palm Nailer. A tool we wish we found on day 1. It’s the best thing in the world.. air powered hammering. Any of the guys that got to use didn’t want to go back to the elbow grease hammers.

Today was high-wire work for many, especially Gary and Mo. Working on the trusses, they lived high above our work. It’s amazing how much work is involved in setting up the framing for the roof paneling that we hope to install tomorrow.

New tool added today:

Chop Saw. That gave us straight cuts, and yes, Steve was eager to cut up any pieces of 2×4 that were requested. Still no major injuries to report.

The beginning of the day was squaring up the house. A string is placed around the outer walls, and we push/pull and secure the wall at various points to make sure the walls are lined up with the string.

We also learned today that using the Sawzall could allow us to cut nails when we would mess up our work. Don’t worry, we’re building this house with love and care and hopefully to withstand the terrors of a hurricane.

Almost every guy on the crew worked up on the trusses. Much appreciated, very exciting and hard work in the heat. Poor Gary for being the tallest guy had to take the highest point of the building at all times.

We hope that the slide shows give you some taste of the amount of work involved in building these homes. We appreciate our homes all the more.

Enjoy the slideshow!