Ultimate Frisbee and Other Thoughts

Mathias’ Notes, our lone ambassador to Ultimate Frisbee last night

It seems Ultimate Frisbee playing got some attention in a few recent posts so I thought I’d pop in a tell the whole story. Every Tuesday night is Ultimate Frisbee night at camp. The Americore people who are here for more than one week at a time run the games. They’re pretty intimidating since some of them had uniforms and even made up a special chant. We played three games between Americorps teams before another team from the Salvation Army side of camp came to challenge us. We lost that game 5-3. I’m not sure how Dennis puts me on a Wheaties box since I managed to drop a scoring pass in the endzone.

Apparently Art and I look alike because Art says a lady came up to him this morning and said, “You play a mean game of Frisbee”. I’ll chalk it up to the stereotype that all Asians looking the same. I don’t think I look that much like Art.

A lesson learned from this episode: “don’t play Ultimate Frisbee the day before lifting trusses” My legs are really really sore tonight.